Coach of Capel Krakens, Adrian Goodwin, has the onerous duty to choose a 'Player of the Match' for each of his team's games which comes with a free McDonald's large meal, drink and desert. Unfortunately, the match last week was cancelled. So on behalf the his team, Adrian nominated a selfless volunteer for our football club/community who does so much especially for the children including the Krakens by helping to make a safer environment. This person is also the Coach of the U12s Capel Cobras plus helps to obtain unwanted boots for poor overseas children who want to play football and is mum to two great CPFC players. Her main and vital role at CPFC is Club Welfare Officer. This person is of course: Vicky Turner!!?
? Congratulations
? (Thanks to sponsors Macdonalds Ipswich restaurants Mardi Foods Ltd)